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I had an awesome time at Perry High School for the Puma Regiment's Band media day for the Class of 2023. You'd think that capturing the band's senior class in 118 degrees would be a logistical nightmare, but the enthusiasm and spirit of these seniors made it a breeze. They brought a sense of pride and camaraderie that was truly infectious.

It was so hot when I arrived, but the kids had an energy that almost made you forget the heat. There was a flurry of students getting ready, chatting excitedly about their last year of high school. Their excitement drew me in. They recognized that this was more than just a day for them; it was the first in a long list of traditions band honors for the senior class.

Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da

The Puma Regiment Band is well-known for its dedication and skill, and seeing them in action was a treat. The way they coordinated and worked together was impressive. Each section of the band had its unique personality, yet they all came together seamlessly to create something beautiful.

I started with individual shots, getting 3-5 at least per student. I have poses I ask every member to take, so I am sure to get the photos mom wants right away. Then it’s always fun to see the different ways students express themselves. Some opt for classic poses, while others are more candid, relaxed, and even silly. I love capturing these moments because they reflect each student's character. It's these little things that parents and friends will look back on and remember fondly.

Then came group photos. Now, getting a large group of teenagers to stand still and look at the camera is no small feat, but the Puma Regiment Band nailed it. There were plenty of laughs and a few playful moments, but when it was time to get serious, they were on point. The photos turned out great, and you could see the bond they shared in every frame.

Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da

One of my favorite parts of the day is the buddy photos at the end. These moments are often the most genuine and tell the real story of the day. The seniors were sharing inside jokes, and just having a good time. Those are memories that will stick with them long after graduation.

It's wild to think about the journey these students are on. High school is such a formative time, and being able to capture a slice of that is something special. The Class of 2023 is heading into the future with a strong sense of identity and community, and I’m glad I could be a part of celebrating that.

I can’t forget to mention the proud parents who were there, too. They were beaming, snapping their photos, and cheering on their kids. As a parent, seeing your child grow and succeed is one of the greatest joys, and these parents had every reason to be proud. Their support was evident in every smile and cheer.

Photography is about more than just taking pictures; it's about capturing moments and emotions. The Puma Band's photos will serve as a lasting reminder of their hard work, dedication, and the friendships they’ve built.

If you're a high school senior or a parent looking to capture these precious moments, don’t wait. Book your marching band and team sessions now with Phoenix Arizona Team Sports Banner Pictures by Anjeanette Photography. Graduation will be here before you know it, and these memories are too important to let slip by. Let’s celebrate your achievements together and create something unforgettable.

Graduation high school seniors in AZ, this is your time. Let’s make it memorable.

Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da
Banner team Pictures Phoenix Arizona by Anjeanette Photography Graduation High School Seniors AZ booster media da